Biking Solo in Hvar - Katherine Leamy
“ Zdravo ,” said the man setting up tables, smiling as he spoke. I tried my best to repeat the greeting, and to get my tongue around the “zdra” that seemed to roll together in a fusion of letters, completely foreign to me. “ Kavu, molim ,” I replied, holding up one finger to make it clear that only one coffee was required. I’d practiced this phrase, which meant “coffee, please”, many times. But he could probably tell that explaining exactly what type of coffee was well beyond my ability. Grabbing a laminated page off the counter, he showed me the different options. I pointed to one that looked like a cappuccino. Once outside, I picked a small table. There was no sun on this spot yet, so I pulled my jacket hood tight around my neck. When my coffee arrived, I cupped the hot mug in both hands, inhaling the smell of the strong brew, before taking a sip. I love that first taste of coffee. Rich, creamy, strong. With no distractions I sat and watched the world go by: shopkeepers bus...